Music Hall (Presently the Town Hall)
Ref: "History of Windham County" by Richard M. Bayles - 1889
Danielsonville can justly boast of one of the finest buildings for public entertainment that can be found in Eastern Connecticut. Music Hall was built by a joint stock company, organized under the general state law, the shares being $25 each.
The building was erected in 1876. The first officers of the company were: President, John Waldo; Secretary, Oliver P. Jacobs; Treasurer, H. N. Clemons; Directors: John Waldo, Oliver P. Jacobs, Abner Young, Henry Wescott, George Leavens, George J. Clark, Henry N. Clemons, Loren Bates, Anthony Ames, Simon S. Waldo and Rienzi Robinson. The capital stock of the company is $20,000, but the building was erected at a cost of $38,000.
It has a handsome front of pressed brick with iron facings, pillars, projections and ornaments. The audience room, which is on the ground floor, easy of access, has stage and gallery, and will seat 800 persons. When John B. Gough lectured in it there were 1000 in it, by some dint of crowding. It has movable settees, so the floor can be easily cleared for any purpose that requires it. The spacious stage is furnished with excellent scenery and properties.
The building is three stories high, with another story in the Mansard roof. The basement of the building in front is occupied by Chapman's meat market on one side and the bicycle agency of Gardiner Brothers on the other. In the rear of the basement is the court room and "lock-up" of the Borough. The ground floor in front is occupied by the post office on one side and Miss N. A. Law's millinery store on the other side of the entrance hall.
The second story is occupied by the First National Bank, C. D. King & Co., and the manager of the hall, E. S. Carpenter. The bank occupies finely appointed rooms over the post office. It is arranged with the best modern ideas of convenience and comfort. The third story is occupied by the G. A. R. and O. U. A. M. The fourth story is used as a public hall. The ground covered by the building is about 60x100 feet.
The present officers are: President, Abner Young; Secretary, Wm. H. Chollar; Treasurer, Henry N. Clemons; Directors, Abner Young, H. N. Clemons, Loren Bates, R. Robinson, R. R. James, Geo. J. Clark, Wm. H. Chollar, E. H. Jacobs and Anthony Ames.
Genealogical Complications
(Translation of "I am my own Grandpa")
I married a widow, the mother of a young girl who was then grown up. My father fell in love with my stepdaughter and married her. He thus became my son-in-law and my stepdaughter became my mother inasmuch as she was my father's wife. My wife gave birth to a son who was obviously my father's stepbrother, and also my uncle, because he was the brother of my stepmother. The wife of my father gave birth to a son, who naturally became my brother and at the same time my grandson, inasmuch as he was the son of my daughter. Consequently, my wife was my grandmother, as she was the mother of my mother. I was the husband of my wife, and at the same time, her grandson. Inasmuch as the husband of anyone's grandmother is his grandfather, I have become my own grandfather.
--Author Unknown