Some Interesting Facts About Danielson
By Edith Fuller, Teacher & Former Principal of Danielson Grammar School
Hezekiah Danielson lived where the Killingly High School was on the corner of Broad Street and Cottage Street. Hezekiah Danielson was the father of the Danielson family, Henry Danielson, Daniel Danielson, Charlotte Danielson Capron, and John Danielson. There was an apple orchard north of the house bordered on two sides by a tall arbor vitae hedge. Mrs. Hezekiah Danielson, second wife, and her daughter by a former marriage, Miss Jennie Dean, were the last of the Danielson family to reside there. Before the old Killingly High School was built, the house was bought by Frank Davis and moved to North Main Street, where it was remodeled for his home.
North of the Danielson property was the residence of John A. Paine, father of Dorothy P. Davis McClellan of Woodstock Hill. Mr. Paine was a dealer in lumber, who came to Danielson from South Woodstock. He married Fannie G. Dorrance of Brooklyn, Connecticut. Later he built his home on Broad Street. In later years he sold the house to E. L. Darbie and bought the house across the street later owned by William J. Clark. Dewey Brousseau in the 1950s owned the house built by John A. Paine.
Where St. Alban's Church is located, there was an old academy reached by a long flight of stairs from the street. It was used as a church by the Episcopalians until they built their beautiful St. Alban's.
Arthur Scott, a photographer and teacher of dancing, built the house at 61 Broad Street later owned by Kenneth Hamilton. Mr. Scott carried on his photograph business on the premises. He was a popular dancing teacher with classes in the building now belonging to the Elks on Center Street. Later he moved to Providence. James M. Paine, father of Mariette and Janet Paine, was a lawyer and member of the Killingly Board of Education, also School Visitor, before we had superintendents, bought the house for his home.
The house on Hawkins Street later owned by Eric Johnson, was built by Miss Carrie Chamberlin, a milliner, with a store where the Longo Block stands.
Mrs. James Potter, a former teacher in Danielson, built the house where Van Woodworth later resided. Her husband, James Potter, was a lawyer in Danielson and an ardent Democrat. Mrs. Potter also built the house west of hers on Potter Street where Ernest Boston lived. Miss Sarah Ayer, her mother, and sister Charlotte, relatives of Mrs. Potter's resided there for some time.
Dr. Frank P. Todd, a beloved physician, came to Danielson from his hometown in New Hampshire and lived and maintained his office in the building on Academy Street that later housed Koski's Bakery. In later years Dr. Todd owned the house on Main and Winter Streets formerly owned by Dr. Rienzi Robinson.
The house on Academy Street east of the former Nazarene Church was the home of Henry Stone, driver of the stagecoach to Providence. It was drawn by two horses. A stop was made at Hopkins' Mill, RI, to change horses and again on the return trip. Mr. Stone was an uncle of Mrs. Clarence Bacon and Miss Maude Capron.
East of the Attawaugan Hotel, in the rear, was a large stable owned by William Brown, proprietor of the hotel. When the Orpheum Theatre was built the stable was moved to the site and formed a large part of the building.
The Winkelman's conducted shoe stores. Their twin sons and son, Charles, clerked in these stores; one where the Del Pesco's store was [now part of the new parking lot on Main Street side of the Attawaugan Hotel] and one where Savoie's Market was on Main Street [on corner of Union Street].
A. H. Armington conducted a grocery store on the corner of Main Street and Central Street [which is now the plaza of Citizen's National Bank]. His residence was torn down when the new Telephone Building was erected on Main Street.
Sherman and Keech had a Dry Goods Store where Endicott Johnson Shoes was later located.
The Savings Bank was in the building where the First National Store was situated. Chauncey Young, father of Earl M. Young, was the cashier.
The Waldo Brothers had a grocery store where Blumenthal's store was until it burned [now a parking lot across from the Town Hall]. The Waldo brothers resided in the house on Academy Street owned by Edward Sullivan in later years.
The Olive Branch Hotel stood where the Majestic Block is on Main Street. It was a low wooden building. At the south end was a news and candy shop. In the roof a large cupola was built to let in more light. When the building was torn down the cupola was moved to the home of John A. Paine, 48 Broad Street, and was made into a summerhouse. Mr. Paine's son, Arthur, used it for a Boys' Club. Henry Getty, a lawyer in Boston, was member of that club. Later the summerhouse was sold to Abner Young and was moved to his home grounds, at the corner of Hutchins and Mechanics Streets.
Mr. Adams conducted a blacksmith shop on Center Street. It was always interesting to passers-by to see a horse shod.
The Grist Mill owned by the Quinebaug Company at the corner of Main and Franklin Streets was operated by William H. Williams, father of Lucius Williams of Maple Street, for forty-seven years. Then it was closed.